[Email dated 1.3.13]
So mom you can stop freaking out [I wasn’t…I was cruising in the Caribbean and had no idea his email was late.] They changed our P-day this week so that we could go to the temple because it's closed on New Year’s Day which was supposed to be our P-day. As for the subject of this email, we're all just ready to finally leave the MTC and go do some real stuff. I mean I have loved the classes the first few times we were taught the lessons, but now that we've been taught the fundamentals like 12 times each and we’re kinda losing it. I think this is a recent change that we don't just learn about Preach My Gospel (PMG), they teach us the "fundamentals" of conversion and we're kinda on our own for the PMG thing.
But anyway, we all leave on Tuesday, not sure what time yet, and go to our missions. I don't know yet but I think we'll take a bus up to the mission home in Independencia and then get sent out to wherever we're serving. But I also heard from an Elder that came into the MTC on his way home from my mission that your first area is usually in the jungle...so I don't really have any idea how we're actually going to get there (bus?, plane? boat?...walking??) really no idea but I'm sure it will be taken care of.
This week, not too much happened, just a lot of class really. New Year’s for us didn't really mean much of anything, the only thing that was different was all of the fireworks at midnight which I didn't even wake up for. Everyone else did apparently... But other than that, not too much really happened that was very exciting. I did finish the Book of Mormon [in Spanish] yesterday. I surprisingly understood almost all of it without any help and it was pretty awesome.
Tomorrow we have Infield orientation for like 10 hours which will be at least a little bit different. On Saturday we get to go proselyting which is exciting. That's been the coolest thing we've done so far which bodes well because I'll get a lot more of it over the next 2 years.
And mom, about pictures, we're only allowed to have our cameras with us on P-days or other times when Pres. Cardon says it's ok so I don't have very much as far as pictures go...sorry. I'll be better about it once I get out into the field, not like I'll be constantly taking pictures but I'll at least have something for you most weeks.
Also, I got a haircut yesterday...I got no say in what was cut so it's nothing like anything I've ever gotten before...not too sure what I think about it yet.
Love you guys!
Elder Peacock
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