Tuesday, December 11, 2012

And Now THIS from Elder Peacock….

[I just got this from Tyler]

Hey so this is a bit of a surprise to both of us, but I'm emailing today and this will be my p-day [personal day] for at least the time in the MTC here.

So in case some people don't know, I got my visa on Friday afternoon and then flew down here yesterday.  My packing skills are pretty awesome.  2 checked bags weighing 49.5 and 50 lbs each.  I was pretty impressed with myself.  Anyway, we left at 3 yesterday morning from the Provo MTC so we were up at 2 and I couldn't stop doing stuff until about 1 that night so not too much sleep.... but then our flight went from SLC to Dallas then to Miami and then to Peru.  The time in the airport was either spent getting food or talking on the phone.  Both important, the phone for obvious reasons and the food because I don't get American food for another 2 years which is probably a good thing but anyways...

So when we got to Peru, the airport was really nice, pretty calm...until we got through customs then it was crazy...there were people everywhere and I had no idea where to go.  Luckily, the hermana from the MTC found us and got us to the bus.  Then the bus ride was crazy...dogs, shacks and people all over the place. It's gonna be fun for sure. We're close to the temple which is an awesome looking one.  I'm out of time but I love you all and I'll email you in a week!!

Elder Peacock

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